Globalization of culture - European and global networks

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Globalization of culture - European and global networks - Vedran Jerbić, Anđelko Milardović, and Hrvoje Špehar (eds.

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Vedran Jerbić, Anđelko Milardović, and Hrvoje Špehar (eds.)

Zbornik radova objavljen u okviru Jean Monnet katedre za političke studije Europske unije: mreže europske integracije (Jean Monnet Chair in EU Political Studies: Networks of European Integration) sadrži trinaest priloga na engleskom jeziku:

Globalization of Culture and the Identity Issue (Anđelko Milardović)
Europe as an “Empty Signifier”: A Radical Constructivist Perspective (Hrvoje Špehar and Vedran Jerbić)
Some Ideas on Possible Forms of Relations between Different Socio-cultural Groups Within One Political Unity (Peter Stachel)
Globalization, Cultural Shift and Political Changes toward Democracy (Pero Maldini)
Apocalyptic Global Consciousness: Relativizing Planet Earth (Roland Robertson)
Cultural Globalization: A Complex Interplay of Cultural Spaces and Cultural Times (Nada Švob-Đokić)
Globalizing Norms (Matko Meštrović)
Whereabouts of McDonaldization in European Higher Education (Armand Faganel)
The Concepts of Local and Global in Contemporary Urban Society: How and Why the “Melting Pot” and “Salad Bowl” Concepts should be Combined? (Ognjen Čaldarović and Jana Šarinić)
Towards a Global Culture of the City (Maria Prieto)
Culture in the Context of Global Social Change at the End of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century: The Case of South Korea (Ramil Guyfullin)
People of the North and Challenges of Second Modernization: The Case of Evenki of the Irkutsk Region of Russia (Vera Kuklina)
The Effect of New Localism in Slovenia – Transformation of Spatial Values as a Sign of Glocalisation or Protection against Cultural Globalization? (Matjaž Uršič).

Godina izdanja 2016